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School Newspaper and Stuffed Creature ADST Project

This fall, Homma's Kindergarten and Grade One students drew imaginary creatures. The Grade 6/7 students decided to take on the challenge of turning these pictures into stuffed creatures. This design and sewing challenge required making several prototypes and then learning hand sewing skills. The purpose of the project was to take on a design challenge, to learn hand-sewing and to surprise and delight our younger students. In total, Homma students hand sewed 160 stuffed creatures for the K/1s. Students supported one another through the project, often helping when needed and collaborating to solve problems as they came up. The project brought students closer together and created a sense of cohesion and harmony between our primary and intermediate students. This project brought the school closer together and helped create a community of belonging.

This term, students in Division 3 have been working on creating a school newspaper. Students have interviewed adults in the school about different topics and have shared stories about what is happening in the school. Each classroom is provided with a copy of the newspaper. The newspaper has continued to foster community and belonging.

Updated: Thursday, February 9, 2023