Our School Story Next Steps
In January ,Homma staff were asked the question "What is going on for our learners?" to help surface both strengths and stretches. During class reviews, teachers had an opportunity to surface many themes about their class. Using the form below (adapted from Sprial of Inquiry), conversations focused on the whole class, possible inquiry questions as well next steps for the remainder of the year. One theme that kept on surfacing is that some Homma students were demonstrating increased anxiety towards their school work and decreased level of resiliency . As we work to unpack what is going on, we suspect that effects of Covid 19 may have contributed to some of what our students have been experiencing. Our next step is to learn from our students about what they are experiencing in these areas. As we learn more we will look to shift our school story to building resiliency through a Growth Mindset as well as continuing to support our students with anxiety.
Also staff identified literacy as an area where they felt students required additional support. Staff are interested in assessing students in the September 2023 using the DART (District Assessment of Reading Team) to better understand reading behaviours and use this information to plan for literacy instruction.