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5 Chairs, 5 Choices

We have spent a lof of time working with our students and focusing on helping them Build Community and Sense of Place this past year.   But, we also recognized that as a group of educators, we had not reflected on how we were individually doing this and how our actions affect those around us.  As a staff we asked the question, "What are we doing to Build Community and Sense of Place at Homma?"  Before delving into this discussion, we watched a TedTalk by Louise Evans, author of 5 Chairs, 5 Choices, which essentially looks at choosing "an attitude in life which consciously contributes to the happiness and success of everyone, both at work and at home."  After watching the TedTalk the following questions were asked: 1) How does this resonate with me?, 2) What impact an I having on the people and environment around me?, and 3) How am I building community and sense of place at Homma?  The discussion that followed was very rich, raw, and honest.  We believe that we can only expect from our students what we expect of ourselves.  If we expect our students to behave and conduct themselves in a certain way, then we must be modeling those behaviours.  This TedTalk, book, and discussion has opened the door for us as a staff to work on self-improvement that will inturn have many positive affects for student improvement. 

Updated: Friday, November 26, 2021