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The White Hatter Presentations for Gr. 4 - 7

The White Hatter is a digital literacy and internet safety education specialist company that facilitates workshops and provides presentations on technology safety and privacy subjects to schools, businesses and community partners. They will be offering two on-line sessions to Homma students along with a family on-line session from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on February 23rd.

Digital Literacy and Internet Safety (Grades 4/5)

This session is designed to help youth online understand the basics when it comes to privacy and security in the connected world. No amount of filtering or monitoring tools are as effective as critical thinking skills, and the understanding of behaviours and their potential consequences.

Cyberbullying & Online Personal Protection (Grade 6-7)

Critical information will be shared to protect students from challenges they may come across online: hackers, scammers, predators, and cyberbullies etc. Not every bad thing is a criminal police matter. Aggressors from other countries may not face consequences. A successful hack or scam may not have easy recovery. Students will learn what the most common challenge are and how they can empower themselves to avoid and overcome difficult or dangerous situations online.

The Parent session will help parents to proactively understand the enabling power of technology and mobile communications, but also how to mitigate the sometimes unintended consequences of high risk or undesirable online behaviour.

Updated: Thursday, February 9, 2023