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Week at a Glance for February 6-10

Dear Homma families,

It is with great pleasure that I am joining the Richmond District and the Homma Elementary community. I go by “Mme Val” or “Mme Valérie”.

I am coming to you from the Vancouver School Board, where I have been Vice-Principal for over a decade. My schools have included Tennyson Elementary, Queen Elizabeth Annex, Jules Quesnel, L’Ecole Bilingue and Maple Grove Elementary. I am francophone from Quebec; French is my first language and am fully bilingual. I have two children of my own and understand the realities of being a parent in 2023.

My approach is very child-centered and caring. Essentially, I treat every student the way I would want my own children to be cared for; with respect, dignity and compassion. I consider it a privilege to work with children every day and to watch them grow and learn.

I look forward to meeting all of you, so please do not hesitate to reach out.


Mme Valérie

Valérie Carrière (she/her/elle)

Vice Principal – Directrice adjointe


Updated: Friday, February 3, 2023