Homma Hot Lunch Program Opens!
Dear Homma Families,
With the start of this new school year, we are excited to launch the Homma PAC Hot Lunch Days!
If your family wants to participate in the Homma Hot Lunch Program, please set up an account on https://homma.hotlunches.net/.
All families, new and returning, must create a new account. If you had a previous account, it has been removed from the system to start this new school year. To register, you will need the school access code which is HEHL. Because we receive a large number of questions and have limited volunteers to help with responding to emails, we have compiled a list of common questions for your reference.
Our Hot Lunch Team has worked with a number of vendors to provide a range of food options (including vegetarian and vegan). As per the school policy, we ensure that all food options are nut-free. We do have ingredient information if needed, however, we are not able to guarantee that products are not subjected to cross-contamination while prepared. We do endeavour to provide a robust program with two to three hot lunch days per month, but we acknowledge that all offerings may not work for families. Most of the work to set up the Hot Lunch Program is completed in June, July and August, so we are able to gather feedback for the next school year.
We appreciate your generous support for our Homma Hot Lunch program because all of the funds raised go towards classroom equipment, computers, the Homma Garden, library books, educational workshops and school activities for our students.
If you have questions, please let us know.
Thank you,
Jodie Weiler and Jeff Anthony
On behalf of the Homma PAC
Email: contacthommapac@gmail.com